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Report by Jason Ottinger

Dive Report for Saturday, April 16, 2005

John Jones
Lamar Hires
Kelly Jessop
Dan Lins
Jerry Murphy
John Blankenship
Jim Pierce

Team 1 consisted of Lamar Hires and John Jones. They measured and placed line arrows every 100 ft. to 1600 ft. upstream.

Team 2 consisted of John Blankenship and Jim Pierce. They assisted Team 1 in placing the line arrows upstream.

Team 3 consisted of Jerry Murphy, Kelly Jessop, and Dan Lins. They measured and placed line arrows every 100 ft. from 1300 ft. to 1800 ft. downstream.

Dive Report for Sunday, April 17, 2005

Jason Ottinger
Edd Sorrenson
John Blankenship
Jim Pierce

All of us went in as one team to measure and place line arrows upstream. We all scootered up to 1600ft (where Team 1 on Saturday left off) and dropped scooter and stages there. From there we swam upstream while I ran the tape measure and Edd placed the line arrows. Jim helped to keep the tape from snagging on breakdown between Edd and I and John. John help the tape in place from where the previous line arrow was placed. We place line arrows to 2400 ft. upstream before calling the dive on thirds.

Report by Kelly Jessop

Jerry Murphy,Dan Lins and Kelly Jessop were the first team in Saturday morning. We went downstream and placed the 1300 thru 1800 line markers in. During the exit we searched for the downstream deep section line to return it to a T, but were unable to locate it. Downstream conditions were clear but hazy.