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Report by Kelly Jessop

October 15th Team of Kelly Jessop, Jason Ottinger,and John Kimberl scootered to 1800' downstream and placed the radio beacon while Sandra Poucher and Michael Poucher did the surface locate. 141' for 76 minutes in water time.

Pictures of the downstream radio locate position -- this is apparently a sinkhole that is a source of surface water intrusion in the downstream side.

Kelly & Bevery Roberts, owners of the land surrounding the downstream sink. They graciously allowed us to radio locate on their property.

October 16th Team of Kelly Jessop and Rick Crawford scootered to 2000' upstream and removed approx 300' of white line paralleling the gold line. Also made notations of tunnels with and without line and their approximate distance for future survey. 145' for 99 minutes in water time.